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Profession of Faith

The views expressed by Vito Carillo De Lunei the host of the radio broadcast are my own and not those of an organization or of any denomination. Similarly, the views of the host are not necessarily those of the radio stations that carry the program, the callers of the financial supporters of the ministry. My principal doctrinal views are as follows~!

1)I believe in one sovereign God/Elohim, Creator of all things! Existing and made known to us in three persons: The Father, The Word Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit! God/Elohim is in one sense one yet. He is in a different sense Three, the Godhead, as proclaimed in the New Testament! I believe that a lucid explanation of these facts is not granted to us in the Bible, and probably cannot be fully comprehended by finite minds!

2)I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Word made flesh and is the one and only unique son of God, born of the virgin Mary! Jesus as Messiah, the Christ, prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures! Jesus lived a life free of sin, being God in the flesh qualified him to give himself a man’s place as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all the world. This Jesus did when he died on the cross, after which he rose bodily from the grave appeared to over 500 alive again, and ascended into heaven seated at the right hand of God the Father to whom all power and authority has been given!

3)I believe that the gospel of the kingdom of God is the good news that God has made Christ to be king of kings and Lord of lords. Through faith in Christ Jesus, by virtue of the atoning merits of his blood, centers may be reconciled to God/Elohim. Through the power of his resurrection, Justified sinners experience regeneration, translation into his kingdom, where they enjoyed righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Regeneration also involves the granting of the Holy Spirit to dwell in and to guide and empower the believer!

4) I believe that the believer in Christ is called to be a disciple which is to say a learner a follower of Christ! Discipleship involves obedience to all the commands of Jesus, resulting ultimately and the inward working of the Holy Spirit, and a personal transformation of the disciple into the image and likeness of the Master Jesus Christ!

5) I believe that the Jewish Christian Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are given by inspiration of God/Elohim and when properly understood and applied, profitable and authoritative to the disciples in all matters pertaining to life and Christ's likeness!

6) I believe in the unity of the whole church of the living God/Elohim, which is God’s family, Christ body and the Holy Spirit’s habitation among men. I believe I should receive as brethren all who sincerely embrace Christ as Lord master and Savior. I believe there is no valid reason to divide the church institutionally into separate fellowship defined by differences in particular theological convictions, much less by loyalties to Manor systems of thought. I believe to define the Fellowship of the Saints more narrowly than God does is sin!

7)I believe that the end of the age at the last trumpet cries will physically impersonally return to judge the living and the dead. I believe that the dead will be raised in the living Saints caught up to meet the Lord at his coming. Those who are Christ’s at his coming will be granted eternal life, while those not found written in the Book of Life shall be separated from Christ forever!


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