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Knowing God's/Elohim's Will and Plan For Our Life

Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas

Not Done In a Closet

Our Attitudes Make All the Difference

True Thanksgiving!

Never Ever Give Up!

Truth Brings Freedom!

Biblical Absolutes a Neccesity in Life!

Acts of the Apostates!

Be Followers of Me!

Mighty Men Heroes of the Faith

What Kind of Person Does God/Elohim Delight In?

Death is Not the End it is the Beginning

Christians Need to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Accursed When the Lord Comes

The Lord Alone is Worthy

Have The Promises to Abraham Been Fulfilled

A Model Soul Winner

Facts About Baptism

What We Need is a Pure Heart

Single and Serving the Lord

Dives and Lazarus

Jesus Must Increase We Must Decrease

How to Study The Bible, Heb. 6:1-6

Barriers to Fellowship

Why Christians Need to be Holy

Diseases of the Spiritual Eye

No Pain No Gain

One Sows, Another Reaps

Evangelism Made Personal

Pray The Lord of The Harvest

Contending For The Faith

The Be Attitudes The Attitudes to Be

Jesus The Coming King of Kings

The Lord is My Helper

Judging a Biblical Perspective

Water Test of The Faith

Is One Church as Good as Another?

Do We Have Our Priorities in Order?

Do We Have Biblical Faith?

The promises of God/Elohim

Lessons We Can Learn From The Fumbling, Stumbling Disciples

What Every Christian Needs to Know

While Men Slept, Satan Planted

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